Sunday, November 29, 2009

Putting up the Christmas Tree

Well tonight was an adventure... Trying to put up the Christmas tree with all the kids!! They wanted to help with everything! Some would say thats nice, but It makes things so frustrating! We ended up letting the kids decorate their own tree so that they would let us decorate ours! Putting up the Christmas tree is one of my favorite things to do and I usually have it up before Thanksgiving but we had way to much going on... Our tree hasn't changed in about four years except for the new addition of some small glittery stars and the silver bells (thank you mom!!), but the way I look at it is, why fix what isn't broken? Its still cute and I still like the colors. (Plus we dont really have the money for new decorations anyways haha) But this is the final product of both of them together! They were so proud! I am so excited for the month to fly by so we can finally get to Christmas morning!! I cant wait! 
Happy Holidays Everyone!!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Black Friday Adventure

This Black Friday was most definately the most productive black friday I have ever been shopping on!! First of all, I had everything planned out. On Thanksgiving, My mom, My Aunt Amy and my grandma and I planned what time we were meeting in the morning! Everything I wanted was at Wal-Mart so that made things easy. The morning came and it was 3:30 and Gage woke up and wanted a bottle so Josh and I changed him and got him his bottle and I had set my alarm for four fifteen... Or so i'd thought! So five o'clock rolls around and my mom calls, wondering where in the world I am! I freak out, hopping out of bed faster than I ever had in my life and got in the car and told them i'd meet them at Wal-Mart instead of at my Moms. (That stupid alarm didnt even go off!!!) I ran in to Wal-Mart, grabbing everything I needed!! It was awesome! I got everything on my list and Christmas shopping was done in one fatal swoop! This is going to be an awesome Christmas and I wouldnt trade my shopping experience for anything in the world!! My Mom and I usually get to go shopping on black friday every year and it is so fun to get to spend that time together!! Anyways, I'll put a picture of my "Black Friday Agenda" with this! It is so awesome!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

"New Moon"

Tonight Josh and I are going to New Moon!! We have had our tickets since the middle of August and we are super excited!! (Well at least I am.... I am making him go with me) haha I will have to let everyone know how we feel about the movie! I have heard that it is alot better than the last one. I read the books and this book is probably my favorite out of all... So we will see!! I will add some pictures later of the fun times!!! 

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Start Of The Blog...

I never thought this would be me... I never even knew what blogging was, but I decided it looked fun and is a cool way to let everyone know what is happening in our family! I hope that I will do okay at updating it. My family is my everything so I think this will be time well spent... so here we go.